A new Health status dashboard is implemented. It displays complete organization health data in a different colour codes and with some weighing factors.
Collector- The Nanitor collector is process to collect configuration information from network devices, Cloud infrastructure platforms and databases. From this release onwards the Nanitor collector is bundled with the Nanitor Server so it does no longer need to be deployed separately. It will access devices outbound and then feed the devices into the Nanitor server.
New Features
A new dashboard is implemented that is “health status” (NAN-1770). It will be another dropdown menu item under the “Overview” menu. The Health status dashboard shows the below details with the colour coding:
Organisation health
Organisation health broken down by issue type.
Health over time (organisation)
Health over time (broken down by issue type). One graph where individual lines can be activated/deactivated. Dropdown to select time period (1Y, 6M, 3M, 1M, 1W)
As for now we have implemented this as a dark feature which means you can access the new dashboard by adding “health_overview” to the url of your Nanitor instance. E.g.
(where “http://relbuild.nanitor.net” is the url to your Nanitor instance and “nanqa” the name of your tenant/container)For further information refer to our documentation for the IT security health overview